
Reviews Published

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mrs. Perfect

I like Jane Porter books. They are more complex than romances and less depressing than literary novels. Somehow, they manage to strike the balance between being issues-driven and character-driven. Perhaps it's because they discuss issues so close to the heart of women married with children, but I find myself reaching for Jane Porter books the way one reaches for a box of finest Swiss chocolates. And it's not the gourmet 99% dark chocolate that you're supposed to oooh and aaaah over - her fiction is the lovely smooth milky chocolate that really hits the spot. (see footnote)

MRS PERFECT is the sequel to ODD MOM OUT, and I love the way we now root for the woman we disliked in the first book. Turns out it's all a matter of perspective, and it's a lesson well worth remembering in real life.

Other issues I found memorable include:
  • women who love designer labels may be deeper than I give them credit for
  • juggling a job and motherhood sucks
  • the job market doesn't appreciate experience or real-life skills
  • money doesn't buy happiness (ok, I knew that, but it's nice to have it confirmed).
Oh, and it's fabulous to read a "married couple" love story.

Footnote: I loved the way the author pokes fun at book clubs in MRS PERFECT. Having tried book clubs myself, I know how the heroine feels about the highbrow award-winning novels....

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