
Reviews Published

Thursday, June 23, 2011

If you like Harlan Coben and Terry Pratchett....

I have a problem: a tall to-read pile and nothing to read. Perhaps it's the mood I'm in (and have been in for the last year or so). Perhaps I've grown tired of fiction. Perhaps as a novelist I now know the craft so well I read over-critically.

Whatever the cause, the result is: I'm desparate for something to read.

Google is no help. All the "if you like Terry Pratchett books, you will also like" sites assume I like fantasy. All the "if you like Harlan Coben books, you will also like" sites assume I like thrillers. And yet what I like the Coben books is the human nature aspect, the moral dilemmas, the pacing. (I also like the sexy Win, but I'm prepared to read books without him as a character.)

I want good prose, characters I care about, a clever plot and issues to think about long after I finish reading. Is that too much to ask?


=Tamar said...

Have you tried Diana Wynne Jones?
Lois M. Bujold?
Connie Willis?

Yvonne Eve Walus said...

Dear Tamar, thanks for the suggestions. I haven't read Diana Wynne Jones - which book or series do you recommend I try first?